Pursuant to Section 40 of the Community Charter, this is an opportunity for the public to make submissions to Council regarding the proposed "11 Street Road Closure Bylaw 6003, 2025".
The Corporate Officer advised that no written submissions had been received.
Mayor Cumming called for a first time for representation from the public.
P. Francis asked why the development is proposed to be a 55 plus complex. Administration advised that the development is not related to the road closure bylaw, however, the tenure of a property is at the discretion of the developer.
The Mayor called for a second time for representation from the public.
The Mayor called for a third and final time for representation from the public regarding the proposed "11 Street Road Closure Bylaw 6003, 2025" there being none, the Public Input Session closed at 1:35 pm.
Councillor Quiring returned at 1:36 pm.