The Corporate Officer advised that one submissions had been received.
- Email dated October 25, 2024 from P. Hodgins
The Mayor called for a first time for representation from the public who believed they were affected by ""6092 Okanagan Landing Road Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 6014, 2024" AND "6092 Okanagan Landing Road Zoning Amendment Bylaw 6015, 2024".
K. Peebles was concerned with the height of the building and the negative impacts to privacy, reduced sun exposure and reduced views. There was concern with increased light pollution, as well as the location of the building being to close to the neighbouring properties. The vehicle access from Okanagan Landing Road crossing the multi use path creates safety concerns for those using the multi use path.
Planning advised that site access has not been finalized but anticipate that it will be direct access from Okanagan Landing Road.
P. Hodgins was concerned with increased density, negative environmental impacts on mature trees and mature vegetation, negative impact to water and sewer infrastructure and increased traffic and noise.
The Mayor called for a second time for representation from the public.
C. McInnis, the applicant, stated that:
- Variances to parking will most likely not be required, the current plan includes 99 stalls;
- Fencing and tree landscaping will be considered to limit impact to neighbouring residents;
- Temporary access for construction will be a direct access from Okanagan Landing Road;
- A Traffic Impact Analysis was completed and will be referenced to determine the permanent access;
- The proposed design incorporates green living, sustainable features, the ability to preserve trees, the ability to have organic gardens on site and the use of sustainable materials; and
- Consideration is being given to a permeable paving material for the parking lot to reduce run off and pressure on the storm water system.
Council asked how many units are being proposed.
The applicant advised that has yet to be finalized, but expect between 62 and 80 units.
The Mayor called for a third and final time for representation from the public who believed they were affected by "6092 Okanagan Landing Road Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 6014, 2024" AND "6092 Okanagan Landing Road Zoning Amendment Bylaw 6015, 2024" there being none, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:04 pm.