3400 30 Street
Vernon B.C.
Mayor and Council Members Present:
  • Mayor V. Cumming
  • T. Durning
  • K. Fehr
  • B. Guy
  • A. Mund
  • B. Quiring
Mayor and Council Members Absent:
  • K. Gares
Staff Present:
  • P. Bridal, Chief Administrative Officer
  • K. Poole, Director, Corporate Administration
  • C. Isles, Deputy Corporate Officer
  • C. Broderick, Manager, Current Planning
  • R. Nuriel, General Manager, City Planning
  • S. Wood, Corporate Officer
  • C. Baldridge, Manager, Communications and Grants
  • L. Korolchuk, Manager, Current Planner
  • D. Devries, Manager, Transportation

Mayor Cumming called the Public Hearing to order at 5:30 pm. 

As Mayor of the City of Vernon, and in the spirit of this gathering, I recognize the City of Vernon is located in the traditional territory of the Syilx People of the Okanagan Nation.

Mayor Cumming read a statement outlining the process for the Public Hearing. 

"7025 Herbert Road/7110 Bates Road Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 5991, 2024" AND "7025 Herbert Road/7110 Bates Road Rezoning Amendment Bylaw 5992, 2024.

Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw 5991 - to redesignate the property to facilitate a new residential development.

Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 5992 - to rezone the property to facilitate a new residential development. 

The Corporate Officer advised that Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the May 16 and May 23, 2024 issues of the Morning Star Newspaper, as required by the Local Government Act.

The Corporate Officer advised that 2 additional submissions had been received.

The Mayor called for a first time for representation from the public who believed they were affected by the proposed development.

T. Fitzpatrick was concerned with increased density and with the increased noise due to construction equipment and increased traffic. 

J. Stang was concerned with ground disturbance during construction, increased density and increased traffic. There were also safety concerns with the traffic speeds through Manning Place.

B. Michaud was concerned with elevation and drainage as well as how the development would fit in with the surrounding properties in the area.  

E. Walters was concerned with the creation of unnecessary additional trails that would disrupt the natural area. A petition to stop urban sprawl was provided to the Corporate Officer.

C. McClelland was concerned with construction equipment, dust and noise as well as increased traffic through Manning Place.

D. Jarvis was concerned with pedestrian safety and traffic speeds and asked if there would be park space within the development.

B. Beardsell was concerned with increased density, increased traffic and the lack of transit in the area. 

S. Evans Fitzpatrick was concerned with the lack of transit and amenities in the area.  As well, there were concerns with the potential increase in crime and social issues.

B. Decloux, Planner with Urban Options, and the agent for land owner explained that many of the issues raised would be determined through future design of the development.  There was agreement of the need for safe corridors, playgrounds, amenities and walkability.  It was confirmed that no work is currently happening on the site and the vision of developer is to compliment the existing neighbourhood by offering a mix of demographic housing options. B. Decloux further explained that site drainage is a requirement that would be designed on the property.  

B. Michaud was concerned with the impact on the wildlife corridor. 

B. Beardsell was concerned with pedestrian safety.  

The Mayor called for a second, third and final time for representation from the public who believed they were affected by "7025 Herbert Road/7110 Bates Road Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 5991, 2024" and "7025 Herbert Road/7110 Bates Road Rezoning Amendment Bylaw 5992, 2024".

Mayor Cumming adjourned the Public Hearing at 6:21 pm.