Special Meeting of Council

3400 30 Street
Vernon B.C.

As Mayor of the City of Vernon, and in the spirit of this gathering, I recognize the City of Vernon is located in the traditional territory of the Syilx People of the Okanagan Nation.

  • THAT the Agenda for the December 4 and 5, 2023 Special Meeting of Council be adopted.

* Please note Public Input will occur at 11 am and 3 pm on December 4, 2023 as advertised. 

The Chief Administrative Officer will provide an overview of the Financial Plan. 

  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 RCMP Contract, in the amount of $12,721,085, as presented.

  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 RCMP Contract Budget:

    • 4086 *Additional 2 RCMP Members
      $463,232 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Fire Rescue Services Divisional Budget, in the amount of $8,670,017, as presented.

  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Fire Rescue Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4085 * 4 Additional Firefighters (mid-year start)
      $240,000 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Fire Rescue Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4082 * FireSmart Coordinator Position
      $104,009 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Fire Rescue Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4106 * Fire Rescue Vehicle Operating Component
      $3,000 (Taxation)
    • 4099 * Fire/Rescue Vehicle Purchase (reserve-funded)
      $69,000 ($23,000 - Climate Action Reserve, $46,000 - Prior Year Uncommitted Unexpended Balance)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Fire Rescue Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4100 * Electric Vehicle Fire Suppression Equipment (reserve-funded)
      $80,000 (Climate Action Reserve)
  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Operations General Department Budget, in the amount of ($712,578), as presented.

  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Infrastructure Department Budget, in the amount of $715,797, as presented.

  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Infrastructure Department Budget:

    • 4089 * Senior Project Manager – funding change
      $116,000 ($81,000 – Infrastructure levy reserve, $35,000 – Sewer Fund)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Infrastructure Department Budget:

    • 4098 * GIS/Asset Management Analyst – conversion from temporary to permanent starting in 2025
  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Public Works Department Budget, in the amount of $6,354,498, as presented.

  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Parks Department Budget, in the amount of $4,011,150, as presented.

  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Parks Department Budget;

    • 4092 * Carlson Park – west trail maintenance
      $5,000 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Facilities Department Budget, in the amount of $1,709,478, as presented. 

  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Fleet Department Budget, with no increase, as presented.

  • THAT Council approves the following Change Request to the 2024 Fleet Department Budget:

    • 4107 * Slip-in Flushing/Anti-Icing unit purchase (reserve-funded)
      $150,000 (Prior Year Uncommitted Unexpended Balance)


  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Utilities Department Budget (including Storm, Water Services and Sewer Utility Services), in the amount of $379,049, as presented.

  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Vernon Water Reclamation Centre Department Budget, with no increase, as presented.

  • The following resolution was ratified and confirmed at the November 6, 2023 Regular Open meeting:

    ‘THAT Council receive the memorandum titled “2024 Infrastructure Program” dated October 30, 2023 and respectfully submitted by the Manager, Infrastructure;
    AND FURTHER, that Council support the 2024 Infrastructure Program as presented and detailed in the memorandum titled “2024 Infrastructure Program” dated October 30, 2023;
    AND FURTHER, that Council endorse early budget approval for Project #2024-08 Pleasant Valley Road At 39th Avenue Roundabout, Project #2024-09 32nd Avenue Reconstruction – 20th Street to 18th Street and Project #2024-18 Spray Irrigation Infrastructure Replacement and Renewal.’

  • THAT Council ratifies and confirms the following resolution adopted at the November 27, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting of Council:

    'THAT Council endorse Year 1 (2024) of the Rolling 5 Year Infrastructure Program - 2024-2028 and supports in principle years 2025-2028 (subject to Council's Strategic Plan), contained in Attachment 1 of the report titled "Rolling 5 Year Infrastructure Program - 2024-2028", dated November 7, 2023 and respectfully submitted by the Manager, Infrastructure. '

  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Planning and Community Services Divisional Budget, in the amount of $5,050,824, as presented.

  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Requests to the 2024 Planning and Community Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4083 * Conventional Transit Expansion – new Route 10 & holiday service
      $43,500 (Taxation)
    • 4084 * Custom Transit Expansion – Sunday & holiday service
      $9,600 (Taxation)
    • 4088 * Conventional Transit Expansion – increase in donations of service
      $6,000 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Planning and Community Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4090 * Plans Examiner Position – conversion from temporary to permanent
      $47,430 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Planning and Community Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4097 * Current Planning Manager Position
      $151,000 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Recreation Services Divisional Budget, in the amount of $3,470,459, as presented. 

  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Human Resources Divisional Budget, in the amount of $2,000,355, as presented. 

  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Administration/Council Divisional Budget, in the amount of $1,009,133, as presented. 

  • THAT Council direct Administration to withdraw $50,000 allocated to the O'Keefe Ranch from the Financial Services Operating Budget;

    AND FURTHER, that Council directs Administration to bring forward a comprehensive assessment of O'Keefe Ranch in early 2024.

  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the 2024 Financial Services Divisional Budget, in the amount of ($5,158,079), as presented

  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Financial Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4080 * Financial Analyst Position 
      $130,012 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Financial Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4081 * Utility Clerk Position (0.6 FTE) 
      $48,000 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council not support the following Change Request to the 2024 Financial Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4101 * O’Keefe Ranch additional funding (reserve-funded) 
      $100,000 (Prior Year Uncommitted Unexpended Balance)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Financial Services Divisional Budget:

    • 4103 * Library Sunday Openings 
      $18,529 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council receives and approves, in principle, the Corporate Administration Divisional Budget, in the amount of $6,591,905, as presented. 

  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Corporate Administration Divisional Budget:

    • 4087 * Bylaw Compliance Traffic Controller hours (0.2 FTE)
      $14,346 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Corporate Administration Divisional Budget:

    • 4091 * Information Services Technician Position
      $102,000 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Corporate Administration Divisional Budget:

    • 4093 * RCMP Support – Reader/Analyst Position
      $114,420 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council approves, in principle, the following Change Request to the 2024 Corporate Administration Divisional Budget:

    • 4094 * RCMP Support – Court Liaison hours (0.4 FTE)
      $29,999 (Taxation)
  • THAT Council not approve, at this time, the Parks Asset Management Plan Funding in the amount of $525,000.

  • THAT Council receives and endorses the 2024 Divisional Budgets and all approved Service Level Adjustments, with the two additional RCMP Members to be funded from the RCMP Contingency Reserve, as presented at the December 4, 2023 Special Meeting.


  • THAT the Special Meeting of Council be adjourned. 

  • Mayor Cumming closed the Special Meeting of December 4, 2023 at 3:47 pm. 

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